The clustering interview was hosted online by the University of Nicosia in June 2024. where the UNIC team interviewed Dr. Marianna Faraldi, coordinator of TRUSTyFOOD. During the interview, both projects presented their overviews and objectives. Both sides quickly identified the common points between the two projects. Dr. Marianna Faraldi invited TRUSTFOOD to join TRUSTyFOOD’s skills development initiative and proposed co-organising an event together. She also emphasized the importance of synergy and a unified approach between TRUSTFOOD and TRUSTyFOOD, highlighting the need for both projects to collaborate towards shared goals and avid working in isolation. The UNIC team also suggested the possibility of establishing a joint innovation hub of the two projects, and co-authoring white papers focusing on blockchain applications in the agrifood sector as potential starting points.
The interview was promoted through the social media accounts of the participating partners, as well as the official accounts of the projects. It is available on TRUSTFOOD’s YouTube channel.