The Federation of Hellenic Food Industries organised an in-person informative event along with the Region of Western Greece & the Hellenic Technology Platform “Food for Life” entitled “Current Trends in Food Science & Human Nutrition”. TRUSTFOOD was showcased by Dr. Thomas Bartzanas.

The conference was held on December 6, 2023, at the Hellenic Open University Amphitheatre in Patras. It presented the current trends in food science, the strategic axes, the perspectives, the actions and the synergies that are being developed around research and innovation at the regional and national levels, with a view to the development of the Agri-food sector.

The event included a wide range of topics related to agri-food from renowned speakers and distinguished entrepreneurs, while successful examples of business partnerships with research institutions were presented.

It is worth noting that the Region aimed through important interventions and initiatives to support the agri-food sector such as the establishment of a Research Centre in Western Greece that includes three institutes, one of them the Institute of Food and Agri-food Technology.