Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has transformed one of the TRUSTFOOD training courses into an in-person learning experience!

Course: Enhancing Food Supply Chain Integrity – The Role of Blockchain in Traceability

This cutting-edge course is now open for postgraduate students, job seekers, and professionals eager to expand their expertise in blockchain technology and its applications within the agri-food chain. Designed to address the pressing need for greater transparency and integrity in food supply chains, this program will offer participants valuable insights into blockchain’s role in ensuring traceability and food safety.

Course Dates: To be announced
Location: Wageningen University, The Netherlands

The course is meticulously organized by VLAG graduate school in collaboration with the Food Quality and Design chair group at Wageningen University & Research. Leading experts, including Pieternel Luning, Pien Schouten, and Selcen Semercioz-Oduncuoglu, PhD, will guide participants through an interactive and enriching learning experience.

This initiative is a significant milestone for TRUSTFOOD, reinforcing our commitment to advancing food traceability education and supporting professionals in the sector. Whether you are a researcher, industry expert, or an aspiring professional, this course is your gateway to mastering blockchain applications in the food industry.

🔗 Find more details and register here: Course Registration